In the night between 23 and 24 October 2013 there was a flood which flooded on the road SS42. The works were made necessary due a lot of solid transport that affected the confluent Val Rabbia.
The mountain community of Val Camonica has entrusted PAC S.p.a. the task of restoring the hydraulic functionality of the Oglio river in a very short time by clearing the sedimented material and remodeling the riverbed to make it capable of receiving sediments from any future debris flows, through an excavation of 560,000 cubic meters, construction of about 30,000 cubic meters of bank protections with cyclopean boulders (finding), remodeling of the excavated material in neighboring areas, scotic preventive of the storage areas and subsequent laying of topsoil (about 22,000 cubic meters) for green recovery, construction of minor hydraulic works for maintain the hydraulic connections in the storage areas, construction of temporary embankments to keep the watercourse out of the work areas, movement of electrical and telephone lines, archaeological excavation work for the exposed mass and subsequent movement of finds dating back to the first world War